'the substrate of negentropic process multiplicities, a cosmic address to an audience of real subjective objects'

Official digital low resolution images of 'scrt Ar[T]k', an evolving composition are presented here at artkhitecture.com. High resolution paper editions numbered 001 - 999, are to be distributed to order and at special locations. Purchasing a collectable, signed physical paper edition entitles you to download the
album, the link to which shall be sent to you by email. The composition is made up of Individual Floating Entities (objects, beings, buildings, figures, scores, locations, plans, codes, details, poems etc) that change in relation to each other and themselves with each numbered edition.

List of Individual Floating Entities in scrt ar[T]k:

1. Extract of score: Florence Price
2. Human figures
3. Swirling Diagram
4. Symbols from Kongo Cosmology
5. Symbols from Dogon Cosmology
6. Extract of score: Tyshawn Sorey, Trio for Harold Bud
7. Extract of score: Ornette Coleman
8. Flat Roof Detail
9. Extract of score: Mahler, 2nd Symphony
10. Extract of score: Xenakis
11. Sketches of Speculative Towers
12. Section of Speculative Tower
13. Mixed Use Axonometric
14. Mixed Use Plan
15. Storm Shelter
16. Various Texts
17. Future Spinning Wing Flying Vehicle
18. Lo-Fi Ensemble Composition - Life of Objects
19. Serena Williams Crip Walking at NFL Half Time show 2025 featuring Kendrick Lamar.
20. Battamilaba of Benin/Togo traditional house plans and sections
21. Machines
22. Mathematical diagrams

Count Editions: Printed on 200 gsm art paper, Quadruple authenticated: signed by the artist, time stamped, embossed, logged on the DC network, and logged on the secret blockchain.

Contact the Artist to Aquire Individual Entities to commission services or aquire objects and other entities related to the scrt Ar[T]k.

Click on an image below to initiate the ordering process.

scrt Ar[T]k is brought to you by
MuMaGi and
scrtWorlds, all rights reserved.

scrt Ar[T]k 020 ECN 3981

scrt Ar[T]k 020 ECN 3973

scrt Ar[T]k 019 ECN 3973

scrt Ar[T]k 018 ECN 3937

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